[tap tap tap] Is this thing on?
Testing, testing…
Well hello there and welcome to my blog!
I am Erin Carpenter and an English major looking forward to beginning my senior year in the fall. Before that happens, however, I will be doing a summer internship with Starkman & Associates (a business and finance public relations agency in Manhattan) for the next 9 weeks and bringing you along for the journey. In past years, I spent my summers working as an assistant manager of an exotic pet store and camp counselor. This summer, I am abandoning my traditional work routine and pursuing my future career in public relations.
Luckily, I did not have to find housing because our home is within commuting distance from New York City. Unluckily, my house is almost 70 miles from Grand Central. Each morning, I will be taking the 6:13am train into Manhattan in order to arrive at work by 8am. Still, since Holy Cross generously provided me with travel compensation, in addition to the stipend I receive from the Holy Cross Leadership Council of New York, I really can’t complain. Plus, I am telling myself that the 80 minute commute will allow me to catch up on some reading … or a bit more sleep.
My internship started a mere three days ago, but I am already up to my elbows in several projects – and I couldn’t be happier. Due to my late arrival back in the States after my year studying abroad at Oxford, my internship started later than most. To make-up for lost time, I want to dive in headfirst and immerse myself in public relations. I am learning about our clients, proof reading blogs and press releases, and conducting research for one of the company’s founders, Eric Starkman.
If there is one thing I have realized this week, it is that even the simplest things may need qualifying. In business, saying or doing the wrong thing can lead to catastrophic problems, something the folks in the PR profession know too well. Poor word choice in an employee communication can generate morale issues or a loss of confidence in the company’s leadership, a slow response to consumer complaints on twitter can lead to a backlash, and, as a certain CEO of an oil company in the Gulf can attest, poor word choice can make a crisis situation much, much worse.
Rather than risking such a mistake, it is far better to simply ask for guidance when needed. As that ancient Chinese proverb states: “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask remains a fool forever.” This applies to the big questions as much as the small ones. In fact, a perfect example of this occurred today. As the first one in the office this morning, the majority of the overhead lights were off when I arrived. I searched and searched, but to no avail – the light switch was nowhere to be found. Fortunately, there was a security light on, so I wasn’t totally in the dark. Shortly after I gave up the quest for the light, Jeff and Jim, two of my newfound colleagues here, arrived. And the lights popped on.
To avoid embarrassment, I could have stayed at my desk and pretended that I had not just been sitting in the dark; however, I don’t think that absurd action would have remained unnoticed. Instead, I said “Hello” with a laugh, admitted my defeat in locating the switch, and asked where I could find it. To my defense, the switch was located outside the office. Pheew – so I don’t need to have my contact prescription checked after all!
As I continue with my first few weeks, I am sure this will only be one of many moments when I will realize I have much to learn from S&A. But, I am looking forward to these moments, for everything I learn will help me become part of the S&A team and broaden my knowledge of PR – even if it only involves finding a light switch.
[…] Erin, best of luck in your senior year! Care to turn off the lights on your way out for old times’ sake? […]